Sealite’s SL-BRK is solar Bridge Lighting Kit specifically designed to clearly mark bridges and structures extending
over navigable waterways, and is used extensively throughout the USA.
The SL-BRK features a large solar power supply (10watt solar module with 7.5Ah SLA battery), positioned at the top of the assembly to maximise solar collection. The lantern is steady-on as standard but is available with a range of other factory-set flash characteristics and sectoring requirements to suit local regulations. The optional long extension arm between the light and the power supply ensures clear visibility of the AtoN from mariners below.
PLEASE NOTE: the extension arm is not included with the standard SL-BRK bridge lighting kit.
Sealite has a range of other marine lanterns that may also be used to comply with bridge lighting
Bridge lights are typically steady-on, however a choice of over 256 IALA recommended flash patterns are available as standard. The lights are configured as complete solar/battery systems to comply with requirements of regional governing bodies such as the U.S. Coast Guard, or the IALA Recommendations for the marking of fixed bridges over navigable waters. In U.S. waters for instance, the Coast Guard prescribes certain combinations of fixed lights for bridges and structures extending over waterways. In general, red lights are used to mark piers and supports, and green lights mark the centreline of the navigable channel through a fixed bridge. If there is more than one channel through the bridge, the preferred route is marked by three white lights placed vertically. Red lights are also used on some lift bridges to indicate the lift is closed, and green lights to indicate that the lift is open to vessel traffic. Double-opening, swing bridges are lighted with three lanterns on top of the span structure so that when viewed from an approaching vessel the swing span when closed will display three red lights, and when open for navigation will display two green lights.